Use Janet Goodhoofd’s Approach To Re-Establish Connection And Rekindle The Passion In Your Marriage Or Relationship


Many people say that you have to “work” on your relationship to be happy. Often this work can leave you confused, tired, stressed out and resentful. You may be encouraged to hear that there are well researched ways of learning to connect with your partner in a meaningful way that will leave you feeling loved and energized and remind you of the wonder of what brought you together.

Over the past 30 years, Janet Goodhoofd has helped hundreds of couples re-establish emotional connection, restore and deepen trust, and strengthen commitment by using a holistic approach that incorporates the emotional, mental, sexual, spiritual and physical aspects of your relationship. Healing happens most effectively when all these aspects are looked at.

This “holistic” approach coupled with setting up both short term and long term goals with her clients has proven successful time and time again. Short term goals involve immediate shifts in perspective and coping strategies that can be implemented right away, and longer term goals include examining deeper issues and working through past hurt and integrating healing into current day functioning.

Janet can help you and your partner work through any concerns you might have and provide an opportunity for greater satisfaction, contentment, growth and healing in your life.

To set up an appointment or reach out to Janet personally, please send her a note in the form below or reach out to her via the contact information below. You can learn more about her services by clicking on the images below, or about her approach to counselling here. She would consider it a privilege to work with you!

Online therapy via zoom is available for clients who are unable to attend in person sessions or during the pandemic.